Speculation - We are just one step away from the fabled Ultra Bonus unlock, but what is it?

Unown will be more common?

I hope so. I still donā€™t even have itā€¦


Nooooooooo,thats gonna be spammed in the Whatsapp apps and more!:persevere::rofl:

@Kevin260709 , do you want this? This was my first quote!


Make it actually RAIN ralts
(Pls dont flag this its just a joke)


I hope there isnā€™t an Unown quest, unless unown will be common forever. Because it wouldnā€™t be fair on new players or players who took longer to get to those quests due to delays or lack of pokestops or lack of Pokemon to beat raids etc.

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Yes bacon is a good idea.

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Speaking of bacon Iā€™m eating it right now.

Noooo, again has appeared the evil wordā€¦ :sunglasses::sunglasses:


0249187_616x347 This is Bacon.

250px-371Bagon This is Bagon.

Just to clarify things :crazy_face::rofl:

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  • Eat bacon
  • Catch Bagon

0 voters

All this talk about bacon makes me want to eatā€¦


I only like the bacon jokes because I started with it, but it starts to ruin the topics nowā€¦

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I expect the ultra bonus to be celebi, but to be honest I donā€™t want an Unown quest to be in there. The Mew quest was brilliantly designed. It allowed basically anyone to work towards Mew. With unown quests in there, people in 2 years time with no unown event will be unable to get Celebi.

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Im a vegetarian xD


Anything related to the Mew quest got increased spawns. Iā€™m sure if Unown is part of Celebi quest, we will also get increased spawns.

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