Show pokemon stats(needed for pvp)

Also i am 100% looking for people to agree with me lmfao you think ill hide that? i defend all my ideas! an believe all are what Pokemon go are missing and will only better the game. every SINGLE idea i had on here. L O L

Ok, im gonna leave this topic since the most interesting about this topic seems to be the math in the poll.

70% yes show all
30% no
20% show stats but not IV

120% total. That seems a bit broken.

The only other interesting thing about this is how your mind works and how you think about yourself. That however has nothing to do with PokemonGO so its not interesting to me. Im just happy you dont play in my city…

1 person voted 3 times and broke the poll. My idea is winning.
I wouldnt want to play with you neither. None of my friends would. Good day sir.
edit- @Robdebobrob the poll basically 90% my favour so…you can leave this topic

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Either way im getting my way… i dont care if IV shows or not, Aslong as they start the process of showing stats.

With stats showing, no trainer would no longer need PokeGenie. Save space on your phones and time.


Refrence to past topic:

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Perfect example of what stats would look:


Giving out all the info from the Pokemon straight away would give up alot of learning curve. There should be just Pokemons base stats to show where it’s more suitable. Showing the iv’s and type weaknesses/strengths won’t be something that Niantic would do.

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The type weakness part was extra, that doesnt need to be added.

Thongs like these will make iv scanners bankrupt.

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But I do want them…

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Sorta the point.

Niantic has always tried to make this a easy to learn game. That’s why the mechanics are so simple.
This would actually help because new players would be gain unspderstanding of stuff faster.

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Also hiding stats does not help trainers learn anything. They’re learning to break ToS and download 3rd party apps.

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It’s also possible that some players are just playing casually and don’t want to learn them. But yeah… Good point

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I did not know about IVs until I joined go hub… so I probably transferred a 100 IV or two😅 . So it would help new players.


I understand your point and it makes sense and I respect you thoughts on it. Personally I doubt it would deter casual play and suspect it could add a fun element for casual players when if they noticed it was perfect.

What Niantic COULD do is introduce the attack, defense, and hp stats to be shown on a Pokemon. If it doesn’t show the iv it would still allow iv checkers to stay alive😁

Thats what this entire topic is about…

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I know now…:sweat_smile: