Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Please add 603186462771 for gifts

4953 9614 2988
Add friend :+1:

8811 0252 7863

This is my friend code! Add me for remote raid invites

8346 4047 6653

GinaMutandina 158774835094
GinoSederino 194477762752
GinaPisellina 182493034564
GinaMaialina 074613658885
11Pippollo: 781260387518
GinoMerendino 031149812546
DolcettoMask: 031101985145
SuviSuvetta: 879733966386
00GinaPatatina 642118895694
Ginopuzzetta 852989834231
GinoMalandrino 754250340558

we are all from Italy and we will invite you to raid EX

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Is this the place to go to get some friends who will invite to raids? I get very few in my area so love the remote raids.

5157 0432 4727 thats my friend code if anyone wants to join up :).


Almost. We got an entire topic for friend codes! I’ll move your post over there
Welcome by the way

Please add me, my sister and niece. We’re from the UK!

4582 4252 6314 (amenzies0312)
2381 8467 3440 (shonamarie93)
1127 7895 1139 (RosieJML12)

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7852 1429 0816 add me please(MazzelaGatona)

Active player from the Netherlands, need XP and raid invites!

Hey guys, I need new friends to farm friendship EXP!

Add if you can send/open gifts daily :grin:

3217 5740 2494

Let’s start this level 50 grind.

7233 0317 2239

Dear All,
These are my account information:

Nickname: Chthulu92
Country: Italy (Europe)
Looking for: not european players for regional unlocked raids (eg. lake trio)
Code: 9759 5236 4219
Code for copypaste with phone: 975952364219
Current level: 37

Note: I usually do 5*, mega and some 3* raids. Invite me and I ll invite you as well. :wink:

Lol welkom terug

hi my swiss friends and i need new friends (we invite soon for Mesprit raids)
our trainer codes are:
6111 0027 9700
3741 8260 3204
7648 2964 9147
9896 0578 5898
0573 0281 3495
thx for adding :wink:

Could you please add my parents, PoGoBorg and ZenLunaa. They are very active players that raid often and are looking for more friends since they maxed all current. They will send you gifts regularly.
Code: 9929-7025-5083 (PoGoBorg)
5001-2026-4889 (ZenLunaa)

Hi, I need some new active friends

8887 4150 8509

Team Blue from Dortmund, Germany

9349 7293 6661

6201 6865 1087

From Greece

Hi, I will try to open and send gift every day, all the way from Norway.

Feel free to add me: 5286 7561 4196

Let’s be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 2403 8855 5809 my son
1834 9065 1376 mine
2024 1303 6859 other son
1381 2278 9018 my wife

From Brazil