Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

My go code so we can do raids for the most part im always available to do 5* raids 9991 0107 0297

I will send gifts every day and anchor whatever they sa

y, I am also ready to do raids and mega raids

Hello I am from Japan.I wish I could be one of your Pokemon Go friends.
My Trainer Code is 1294 6287 1760.

9991 0107 0297 my code for raids from houston

Thanks for all the friend requests I’ve received :grin:

Sorry I can’t take any more - my roster is as full as I can manage now. Cheers.

Please add 8919 0002 5161 & 7685 4399 5559

7582 4030 9713. Czech republice.

Hi everyone! I’m super excited for Darkrai as I missed out last time around. Anyone able to invite me to a raid?

Trainer code: 2090 2273 6222


PharmDoc83/USA/Central Time

Hi everyone! I’m super excited for Darkrai as I missed out last time around. Anyone able to invite me to a raid?

Trainer code: 2090 2273 6222


PharmDoc83/USA/Central Time

1604 0706 7164 gifts


Im looking for players all around the world who wanna invite me to as many raids as possible. In return I will do the same to you. Those of you I receive invites from will always be my first choice when inviting.

I’d prefer to get a bunch of friends from the US, so I can invite you after your raids despawn, but also so you can invite me when my raids despawn. But ofc we will invite eachother within our raiding hours.

Just so you get a hint of how active I am: I’m doing around 30+ raids every day. This doesn’t mean you will be removed if you don’t invite me for a day or two. This thread is meant to boost my raids per day count a bit.

I dont care wether its t1, t3, t5 or megaraid.
Just invite!

Oh and btw, google ”time sweden” so you get a grip of how our respective time zone could benefit eachother.

My code is 3482 9136 3654

Have a blast everyone!

Mega raid add my friend code -

5879 7122 4789

Looking to find more friends for regular gift exchange. Daily player on two accounts. All are welcome, no matter what level.

3950 7007 6748
0529 3958 0207

1954 4236 2574

Need xp :upside_down_face: looking for and giving gifts.
Home base the Netherlands

I recently moved into a new apartment, which by luck has a poke stop that I can spin while sitting on my couch. I need new friends so I can send all these gifts out. Feel free to add me, 2780 2188 8556. Thanks

Send me invite for raids. I send them and no one joins. I’m trying to do big raids

New user in Texas mostly play at night. Add me if you want.

2923 1257 1007

Hello hello! I posted here a while ago so I’m posting again.
9157 6466 4908
Moderately active and in the United States, level 37.

Also a friend of mine:
0037 7429 6927
In the United States and level 33.

Hi! Just recently got back into the game after not playing for a while. Looking to make some friends, from the Ottawa and Montreal areas
6547 0927 4950