Running out of pokéballs

I’ve finally got the hang of it ( i think ) i started the day with about 210 pokeballs and now have around 220 in the evening.
Less hunting and more collecting seems to be the way :smiley:

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That’s right. I don’t know if you understand something about the quests and if you already can do it but if yes, you should try it. It gives you also nice rewards! :grin:
Or try to find people for raids.


Lol not manually - i think i meant automatically
Edit - Autocorrect

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??? It’s automatically, when the Pokemon is defeated and goes home, the coins enter in your account. What do you call in this manually?

I think he means go and manually collect pokeballs from stops and gyms.

No, he answers directly to your question, if you have to go back for collect the pokecoins.


After playing a while you’ll learn where your best Pokestop loops are to fill that bag quickly when it’s getting low.

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I have 59 poke balls, 52 great balls, 235 ultra balls

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Sort off I’m on 30 86 45 and gaining for larvitar cd and o have 145 larvitar as I have as buddy and got 3k every 1.25 I walk and also I double hatched it yesterday both rubbish iv


You’ll get good tyran on community day then :slight_smile:


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