I can't battle! Support not responding

It’s been 7 days since i contacted support via the game help feature. Tried 2 further times and still no response.
I get the “error claiming rank rewards” message at the the end of the Premium battle set. It won’t let me start a new set. Missing out on Jungle Cup :sob:
Tried everything to get it to reset, signing out and back in to the game, uninstall and reinstall game, deleting data, phone off and on, multiple game reboots!
Seriously annoyed at support for basically ignoring me, I’m missing out on star dust, rewards etc.
Anyone have any help ideas or know how to speak to an actual person? Support used to be very good and interactive :rage:


Very sad, but really in the 8 years of playing this I had never a direct contact with anybody of Niantic. Their filters are very strict and really don’t help.

Maybe in any moment you receive a “Beg your pardon” and they give you a reward, but it will not be a personal response to your problem.

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Thank you. I just hope its not another 7 days before it gets sorted!

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I’ve got exactly the same problem! Had it since Saturday - no response from Niantic and no way to fix

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Not just me then…

Nope - if you find any way of contacting to resolve it lmk!

There’s a solution on Reddit btw - worked for me

Oh can you link it please? :pray:

I’m still stuck and waiting for a reply from support, shocking service!


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