General discussion

Who’s ready to go shiny hunting again next week? :smiley:

Me which one ?

Shiny Pikachu

is supposedly coming out as part of the anniversary celebration. Makes sense since Pikachu’s model did change slightly, just like Karp/Gyarados’s did before their shiny forms got released.

Cool thank you for the info !!

I don’t even have a regular Pikachu yet, so I’m really excited to hear this.

I got my first Shiny Magikarp last night! Weeeee!

I am excited if I even see a regular magikarp, much less a shiney…

the IV was only 69% though so that’s kinda disappointing

any shiny with above 60% would be pretty exciting to me tbh

Is their a new nest migration today or is that a week away?

happened last night

Thanks Blade!

Wish other players would show up next to gyms. Would be helpful in raids to see how many are there are

I haven’t done a raid yet with other players. Four solo so far. The rare candy is nice though. Help my Mareep to evolve faster.

Apk update is up on Pokemon go

Check on apk mirror

Hey does anyone know what the latest apk mirror does like does it add anything or will I have to wait till the official update happens to see something?

Does this help?

Yeah it did thanks mate