General discussion

I’m visiting the city and tried to participate in a Raid. What a surprise to read “Private Group”… Does it mean that the posible Raidmembers are completed, or is it something new I haven’t notice still now? Ah, the Boss where a Weezing

you can create a private raid group that can be joined with a “password” only.

Many thanks, you’re so right. Now reading your message, I remember that I have read something about it some time ago.

has anyone seen the results on which team threw poke balls most accurately yet?

Noooo, but if you know, tell us

I haven’t seen them posted anywhere yet. just wondering if I may have missed the stats with the plethora of information out there for POGO

For me PokeHub is the best place for information about POGO. So, if you haven’t see the information here, it doesn’t exist, hahaha :lol:

Eh, I wouldn’t say best. They often jump to conclusions and are very opinionated.

Or rather, feed their opinions off as facts

what’s better, what can you suggest to read?

TSR and PoGo Reddit

For me go hub is better

I just don’t like the format of reddit

unless someone put a link I can’t be bother to go there and dig through pile of stuff

if you like nice graphics and ready/easy digest go Hub is best for me

I totally agree @PixieAstray911.


Siiiii, we like PokeHub raised_hands

It’s great to see how big GoHub has grown

Has anyone seen changes to pokestops or gyms recently?