General discussion

we just need ulta friend level to do pvp, so get those adds going

If you power up a Pokemon the game will predict the cp afterwards before you power up (new feature)

now 3o+ level players have pvp!

The price is ridiculous

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I have to pay 100000 stardust + 100 candy for my mewtwo to get a 2nd move…




no duplicating mewtwo teams. so boring

Mewtwo isnt unbeatable, they wouldnt be duplicated anyways

Theyve just locked a good feature behind sh*tloads of dust, majority of players wont be able to get any

they would

two metwo + whatever pretty unfair

Not unfair, Tyranitar can still beat it 1v1

Kyogre as well

Groudon probably too

But this makes the second move irrelevant for majority of the players, why spend 100k for stupid extra move on Mewtwo when you can power-up something new

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@Necrozmadabest 2nd move on Mewtwo is great for gym battles. Give it focus blast as 2nd and it works really well.