General discussion

Half an hour to start…

It actually needs 11:30 more hours

oh my god, sorry, i will never learn to pay more atention to a.m. and p.m. …

I wish it was half an hour :joy::joy:

yesss, I was in the street to see the change and act directly, but there was nothing new… so I went back home where I noticed my fault

Haha that’s not a bad thing. That shows your a true player and will go out 10 hours early :joy::joy: have you heard the saying the early bird gets the worm?? :joy::joy:

Jijiji, I would like to tell this evening that I have had a lot of luck :joy:

Choo-choo! I think you are riding the hype train very well. :grinning:

Jump aboard it’s great on here!! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

You guys all excited?

Has anyone else seen a sudden increase in shiny magikarp? I chained 5 karp, and 2 were shiny.

It looks like it allready started. I see a Cyndaquil, Ponyta and a Growlithe … they normally never show up here

I’m off to hunt!!

I see swinubs as well. I am certain it has started in Holland

And congrats Josh!

Its started in the U.S

Thanks Cirithungolem!


Also the event is live in London!

going to catch a pokemon and see if I get the exp bonus though. Be back after I catch the charmander on my nearby