Futurism - New Berries are Probably Coming Soon

With Gen 3’s release we will almost certainly see new berries. I believe the number will be 2 or 3 - because there are 2 that make sense and because:
Gen1 had 1 berry released with it
Gen 2 had 2
So maybe gen 3 will have 3 ?
I think that we will likely see the following:
Double Stardust Berry
Double EXP Berry

We might also see a decreased flee rate berry

It is also likely based on Gen 2s release that we will see some kind of new challenge involved in catching Pokemon - with gen 2 it was them moving around more. This will be counterable with a berry. Not sure what they could do but we will have to wait and see.

Either way, what do you think? Will we see new berries with Gen 3’s release? I know there was some berry names found in code as well.

I’d like to see a gold pinap berry. Instead of doubling candy it will triple or something along those lines/ bee good if u can’t catch enough legendaries or rare candies


All the berries used are the contest berries
If anything, Bluk and Wepear will come, Bluk very likely rising ammount of stardust and Wepear probably increasing the EXP

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Stardust Berry makes sense to me, but I don’t think there will be a double xp Berry. I’m not really sure what else there could be…

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Still not here