Draconius Go Review: Is It Worth It?

Niantic just came to know about this game and are not pleased about it…
BTW I think this game should exist so that the sheer competition might actually put a kick on the lazy butts of the devs Niantic pays to develop trash


I didn’t say Niantic is doing something out of expectations, indeed Niantic should bump into new competitors. However, I don’t think directly copying other game is a desirable movement.


Now see i want Draconius Go to exist because Niantic deserves it…
We all know how Niantic has been toying with the game for more than a year with no real improvement, all i know is that they need to interact with the playerbase and try to get ideas from them instead they are always silent and giving updates like if they have hired a brainless ZOMBIE to develop their game.
For real if i could meet John Hanke in real life iwould have kicked his butt hard and said “man wake up, or just goto trash”…


I think some of my ideas are worthy to be adopted.

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Because they used “Go” in the name of an augmented reality game, Niantic has legal grounds to pursue legal action. You cannot intentially name something after a registered trademark of a direct competitor.

I would”d be floored if they do not end up in court with Niantic and would be more surprised if they don’t lose in court to Niantic. While it is clever and the game may even be better, they made an error in judgement using this name.


I think Draconius Go was made to show Niantic what an AR game could be. It has nearly everything PoGo players have wanted (trading, PvP, balance Rural/urban gameplay) And The Fact That It’s already so popular with 400k Downloads In it’s 2nd week on the App store should show Niantic that the players need new fresh content or they leave to games that have that.

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Regardless of quality or intent they are still trying to violate a registered trademark


I’m not disputing that part, but the game is a very well executed parody. It just so happens that they took it a little too far in some ways


As a player/consumer of the game, I think both of the companies should take the mid point between quality of games and legitimacy.

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Here’s a way out there theory for you.
The company that makes Draconius Go is a shadow company of Niantic. This alternative game is just testing ground/features for possible changes to Pokemon Go hence Niantic being rather silent on the similarity and need to squash it quickly?


Haha Elyland is a spy company that’s amusing.:joy:

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Cmon Niantic time to wake up.
I think Niantic was always slow in development because they thought that they control a monopoly market called AR games with no competitor at all,now with draconius go and similar games Niantic should have a run for their money and playerbase and to be more specific consider the hard working legit player base or they will be history.

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It might be hard for Niantic to win a lawsuit. There IS a difference in “conceptual art” between the two games (ever wonder why COD, Halo and Battlefield coexist, I promise you it’s not because the developers are friends)? Unless Draconius use Pokemon or use the exact same location (Pokestops/Gyms) data, than there is little Niantic can do… Im sure they will try, but in the end they will coexist much like iPhone and Android…


It’s google maps -.-
Kinda logical that it looks the same, don’t you think?


You are correct that similar games can exist, Halo couldn’t release a title like Halo Battlefield, doing so would violate a registered trademark and they would get sued.

The problem is they are an agumented reality game, that has a similar design, AND uses GO in the name. This may lead consumers to believe this is a product from Niantic. It is the fact that they have a similar product and violated the trademark that makes this an issue.

That’s why these laws exist, so competing businesses can’t use the name of a successful product to get consumers to buy it. If the game would have called something different there would not be an issue.

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Only time will tell on this one… I’m not sure that the use of the word “GO” in the program title is a trademark violation of it own. Unless Niantic holds copyrights for the word “GO”… Are there similarities between the two games? Yes… Is it enough to convince an international court to side with Niantic on your statements? Maybe…

With the development of other AR games hot on the heels of Elyland and Niantic, only two things are guaranteed. (1) The lawyers are going to get rich. (2) Gamers are going to have more than one option in AR gaming…


I don’t see many places Niantic could sue them - the map isn’t copyright, the word Go isn’t copyright and augmented reality isn’t copyright either.

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I actually think it might not be. Some roads in in my area aren’t on this map. They’re all on gm.

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