Cross-generational Evolutions Released!

Cross-Generational Evolutions and Sinnoh Stone were just released!


Have you found the stone?

Not all evolutions are available yet. But a lot of them are and they require the stone.

Bit disappointed in that requirement

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How do you get the sinnoh stone? Hopefully through gifting and pokestops, rather than raids.

Pokestops I think.

@Mapman42 I’m looking into it.

@Mapman42 did the cp change fir you? Not for me

7 day box gives it.

Like @Pokemon said, 7th day breakthrough award will be giving Sinnoh Stone as a reward

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I hope it doesn’t give out just one…

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I feel like it will

It does

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Looks like all the move specific evolutions didn’t get their evolution released yet.

So does the seven day research breakthrough reward reset if you miss a day or something? This is the first time doing this was really important for me to evolve a Pokémon… so I want to know any conditions on the breakthrough rewards.


You get a stamp every day, and you can get to the box at your own pace.

But can you also find it in pokestops? Like it’ll be a very rare find but is is possible?

No one has found it, so no.

What’s a stamp? What does it do?

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Completing a field research gives a stamp.
You can get up to one stanp a day. 7 stamps give you a box, which has a legendary pokemom usually. The bix also gives xp, usefull items, and a sinnoh stone.

1 every week is too low for me, I feel like 2 every week would be better.

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Will it stop giving out Sinnoh Stones after a while?

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