Articuno Day? Let’s discuss! Was it any great?

He is on vacation

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Not even a normal one.

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Still, you can go there for a trip (shopping in mall, sightseeing, whatever) and do the raids on top of that

Im a kid and its a 20min trip for the nearbiest place with much gyms
But i did it with 3 players on my town


From a smooth game play perspective the day was a success. Having the Ice Chicken on on every single Gym that was not on Raid Lock for an Ex Raid for the full 3 hours was a great decision by Niantic. We often pick the eyes out of what they stuff up. This time the got it right.
I exceeded my expections in bing able to do 13 Raids. 2 Cars with 11 accounts it was a very short drive from Gym to Gym. Not once did we run into anyone else during the course of the day.

From a personal collection perspective the day was a fail. Only saw 4 Shiny on the family accounts and one of them got 2 of those. Hardly saw a good IV either and the moment I got one on mine the 100%er ran. No Shiny and no IV better than 84 it was a huge let down not being able to improve on the ones I had already.


Again, use the sightseeing/shopping excuse for your parents

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Oh yeah that does need to be said, i dont think Niantic could have handled the raids better. 1 gym in our city that isnt an EXraid location didnt have an Articuno on it tough, that was kinda weird. But not a problem at all since theres plenty arround.


I caught 3 Articunos on 5 raids. No Shinies and best was a 96%. My son went 4-5. No Shiny. It was fun and I hope Niantic continues to do these.

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6 for 6
1 shiny
Alotta Xp off a Lucky egg.

Today was a good day.

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I got a shiny one yay


11 raids fought, 10 won. Our local park had lots of medium to large groups going gym to gym. Some were organized, others just happened,
There was a group that was left out of one raid lobby and started a new lobby and asked for help, so I jumped in and then got worried. Most of them were levels 17-23 VERY new and occasional players. They thought they’d be alright cause someone from the other group told them that 7 trainers could beat it easily. Sigh.
Not if those 7 have all low powered mons and one or two they got raiding with friends. Two of them said they only fight with the “recommended” cause that’s what the game says to use. And one guy had no rock type mons at all. He said water was the strongest type in the game so that was all he worked on. :face_with_raised_eyebrow::confounded::woman_shrugging:t4:
So, 10 raids won, 4 frozen chickens fled, but I got my prize- tons of XP and 1 sparkly, shiny ice blue Articuno. Good day,

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Doesnt actually work that much
Im going sightseeing at a supermarket wich is a 20km drive (that supermarket is the only active raid spot i know)
But i managed to do it with 3 players in my town(took me much work to find them)


I was visiting friends, so I didn’t do any raids.

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22 raids (had to bug out early) one shiny, one 100%, and one shiny that was glitched and broke out of multiple balls and ran (issue reported to Niantic)

I loved the format of the event, it was fun to be able to bounce from gym to gym and not have to hunt for raids. I racked up 1.1 million XP on the day with a bulk of it coming from the raids.

Hopefully they do the same thing with the other birds!


I wish i wasn’t on holiday for it - i saw no raids :crossed_swords:

Laughing so hard right now I feel bad for you… (about the kid of course)

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My story of a lifetime… Articuno Day:
First off, the weather is 112 degrees in LA, or 44.44 degrees celsius. So I packed my backpack with water, put on sunscreen and a hat, and I was out the door heading to the 4 gyms, about 30 minutes from my house if you do not make a detour for the 2 stops 15 minutes from my house. I got there about about 10:30. After waiting for twenty minutes my family decided to go to a large mall about a hour away… After the walk… Oh well. So we arrived at the mall at 12:30, we ate lunch. At 1:30 I headed to a area with 2 gyms. First gym, 6 people there, obviously a group were catching the Articuno when I got there and 5/6 were shiny. I congradulated them and joined the raid, one other person joined, of course level 5. Fast forward to 1:52, 8 minutes before the end of the event. I leave and the 6 player group follows me to the raid. I am excited that I might get a shiny articuno… 1/1 lol.
Halfway into beating it, the game has a glitch that makes it so I was the only one battling it. I continue to battle it, hoping that when the timer runs out It will say I one. It doesn’t giving me stardust… and the event is over.

Try to find a raid group by searching for your city with pokemon go

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We did a coordinated drive from gym to gym because the gyms are just too far apart. We managed to do 18 raids. 15 out of 18 caught and 1 shiny.
Out of a group of 20 people, 9 out of them didn’t get a shiny.

I don’t know if I really like the 3 hour time window for raiding. It takes a lot of coordinating and planning ahead.

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I only did 5 Articuno raids on Articuno day, and I only caught one of them that day. I know someone who got 2 shiny Articuno!