About the legendaries

Also, I’m starting to think that esteem grinding will be for the better badges. And the article mentions premier balls having a drop rate relative to your teams control on the gym. And doing well in the raid boosts the drops too.

I’d like to think I’m a pretty active player. Very rarely does a day go by that I don’t do some gym battles. (The last 2 days are kind of weird like I’m missing something.) I also spin lots of Pokestops before work because I’m lucky enough to have a job that I can play at work. If I’m not an active enough player to get a Legendary Raid Ticket, then something is wrong with this game.

For sure. I’m 38. Just hand it over please.

Heads up, I don’t think we’re getting any raids…right away. They mentioned a slow release. I just now got the update. Hoping after I put my son to bed that’ll be some muscle time on gyms.

Disturb not the harmony of Fire, Ice, or Lightning lest these three Titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash. Though the water’s Great Guardian shall arise to quell the fighting alone its song will fail. Thus the Earth shall turn to ash. O, Chosen One, into thine hands bring together all three. Their treasures combined tame the beast of the sea.

Be awar. You have now been warned :wink:

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Well I hope taking a couple gyms everyday will at least eventually get the job done