Wich legendary dog you have caught the most and how many ran away.Mine is suicune with seen 10 and caught 9.I am the suicune master
Suicune: 4 seen 1 caught
Raikou: 5 seen 4 caught
Entei: 0 seen 0 caught (today is the first day of Entei for me)
I guess that makes me a Raikou “master”?
Raikou: 3/4
Entei: 4/6
Suicune: 2/7…for some reason, having trouble with this beast
I was 35/51 on Raikou, 58/65 Entei, and 3/4 on Suicune! I guess Entei! Had 23 in a row before missing. Thanks Prodigies Nation!!!
I’m 13/15 for suicune, 7/8 for entei, and 1/1 for raikou. Therefore I AM THE SUICUNE MASTER!!!
I have:
Suicune: 1 seen, 0 caught
Entei: 1 seen, 0 caught
Raikou: 0 seen 0 caught
So technically im master of losing…
btw @Thorend it should be locked long time ago i guess since legendary dogs are gone now
Entei 3 seen 1 caught
That’s it.
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