Why does Niantic not do anything against the aggressors?

Regards, in our community there is a player who insults, threatens, harasses and assaults other players and Niantic does nothing.

He insulted, threatened and harassed another players. Niantic did nothing.
He physically assaulted another player. Niantic did nothing.
He insulted, threatened and harassed another players again. Niantic did nothing.
He physically assaulted another player and was reported to the police. Niantic did nothing.
He was sentenced by justice for physically assaulting another player. Niantic did nothing.

What can we do?

I think in this person to be an aggressor has nothing to do with Pokémon Go, nor with Niantic.
He is as he is, and maybe only a psychological treatment could change this.

So, if Niantic would cancel his account, wouldn’t help. Revrse, he would think that your community is the reason for this treatment and the situation would be worth.

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Agreed with this.
Niantic doesn’t encourage bad behaviour.
But Niantic also isn’t the authority to report such behaviour to. If a person does something forbidden by law (which assault usually is), report it at the local police.


How many people (players) have actually reported this person’s behaviour to Niantic?
While Niantic has specific functions to report poor behaviour as their social responsibility. Who’s checking they are acting on such reports?
Putting my Niantic complaints hat on for a minute (I feel dirty doing this) I would not be taking action against another Trainer/Player based on a complaint or several from only one Trainer account. That system would make it too easy to be use in a malicious manner. I would be wanting to receive multiple complaints from several Trainer accounts before I start to look into and treat the complaint a possible genuine. I’d be looking into the game data of those making the complaint as well before drawing any conclusions and handing out possible penalties. Any linking evidence to actual play of the game is hard to provide but any court proceedings that state links to aggressive behaviour and mentions of Pokémon Go would surely suffice.
Like someone mentioned above. I’d guess this person has issues with thing more than just a game turf war.


This is more than a report to Niantic, it is a report to the police, the police investigation and the sentence of justice for physical aggression. And Niantic still does nothing.

What is the level that considers Niantic? That he goes to prison? Or someone to the hospital?

Have the details of this Police prosecution been reported by multiple people to Niantic, or by yourself, or by anyone at all?
How do you draw the link between the Person and their in game Trainer name to make it clear they are one and the same person?
If you feel strongly enough about it you should just keep hounding Niantic about it on any social media platform they are linked with.