Hey guys which pokemon do u want for community day
Mine is beldum
Perfectly happy with charmander, but would like to see something extraordinarily different, like aerodactyl or porygon.
Bacon is also worthy
No, I think pancakes are better
But yeah, I still don’t even have shelgon.
Sorry its bagon
Or pancakes and bacon😋
Mine Treecko
Mine Snorlax… this bitch… I have no way to catch it
Bagon ralts everywhere for me when cloudy weather im sort of rural. Live in village near town with over 400 players 12 miles away and have gym and 2 stops here
I have gardevoir but hey, look at my profile
You mean like the sheep last month?
Yeah kinda, something that really makes you go “wow i wasn’t expecting that!”
Larvitar, Magikarp with 2x candy would help me get Mew tho
Bagon, Beldum, and Lotad. Only because those are my next 3 to evolve.
larvitar or bagon (super rare in mexico)
I dont have one either… good idea