What team are you on and why did you join?

but you barely play lol it says you haven’t caught a pokemon in a long time

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Yeah I don’t play a lot

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Mystic. I would have chosen a team that had a green color had that been an option, but it wasn’t. I read the descriptions of the teams, and Mystic seemed more in line with my personality.


I would have been all over a green option!


I forgot to mention that Articuno is my favorite of the three birds, so that helped as well.


I researched Pokemon Go beforehand and observed the people around me. It’s popular from where I came from and here’s what I gathered:

  1. Mystic - full of sheeps and players who only chose this team because it’s the most popular or popularized by youtubers. Basically, can’t think for themselves.
  2. Valor - casuals and most of them doesn’t really know pokemon. Just want to be edgy by choosing a female leader.
  3. Instinct - smallest number of players in the game (but not in my neighborhood, that honor belongs to Valor). Since they’re the unpopular one, I’m guessing they are full of independent thinkers?
    Well I’m level 30+ now and I’m ok with Instinct. I wouldn’t have chosen any other team unless it’s Team Rocket.

Blue = Ice cold under pressure
Red = Firey and emotional
Yellow = Pee colured, yuk

Easy choice to go Blue :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I chose Instinct for 2 reasons.

  1. I wanted to be a member of the underdog team
  2. My brother is on Instinct

Go blue bird’s we the best

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I read through those team introductions and I liked what Blanche was saying about research, calm analysis etc… I’m more of a science person… But joining Mystic rather was a gut decision.
At that time, most gyms were red around here, and I thought I’m joining the underdog team. :rofl:

My husband is Mystic, too. He chose his team without knowing mine, but I’m glad we ended up at the same one.


A true love story

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Yellow because there allways the underdogs

9213 0524 6921
JIC you wanted a friend

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You can post your friend code in the friend code topic :wink:

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I chose Instinct because of what they stood for.

Zapdos is stronger than articuno and moltres, as Zapdos has no double weakness, while the other 2 do.