A Dugtrio without hat?
Yep. Begin of the event, but it definitely has starters back then. Bit odd innit?
Not me, this and next event are inspirations for me to stay inside.
Doesn’t only the Alolan version have hair, though?
Oh, sorry – he said HAT, not HAIR. My bad…
This “Staravia” had been waiting for me to get caught for like 8 minutes, then thought “ah well, might as well catch it for the guaranteed XL Candy”. It broke out, and all of the suffen I noticed it wasn’t actually a Staravia but it was a Staraptor.
This is probably the first time I’ve ever seen a Staraptor in the wild, but I’ve also ignored a bunch opdracht Staravia so maybe I might have missed a few of these.
I genuinely love that the next thing is a feature in the game:
A Morelull that glows during the night.
The most eventful experiences are always on the days without events. I think from now on I might just skip the events and play when there’s none.
So, the cat got a zorua - which was masquerading as his buddy Solgaleo - and he got the new sparkles animation for an xxs or xxl Pokémon. It’s the first time I’ve seen it so I captured a couple of screenshots…