Say @Pokemon that you caught or found recently.
I found Blissey out of nowhere
Haha, its bad, but whatever. ITS BLISSEY! Thx goes to @Branebs for this as I was on the game to see his profile, only

I encountered a wild Blissey a long time ago, still keep her a collectible, did you pinap yours?
I encountered a wild houdoom and put it in gym
No, I golden razzed it
Well yesterday I caught a Lapras
Awesome thats the best pokemon.
I found a Hariyama today.
A weedle
A Jormdeweedle?
I caught the Legendary Pidgey
Yo those are so rare that i have only caught like 500.
After this weekend, how long do you suppose it’ll be before we see any more wild Eevees spawning?
I saw one like two minutes after the CD on Sunday.
They will always be spawning.
I hope so – and that the shinies won’t be rare enough to seem nonexistent.
I had an eevee in my sights as 1:59 became 2:00 on Sunday, at which time it promptly disappeared and gave me an error message. That was the last one I’ve encountered since the weekend. And I don’t think I’ve even SEEN a mareep (neither in the wild nor in a gym) since its CD event…
I saw mareep, larvitar, squirtle, charmander, pikachu, and bulbasaur during the CD along with eevee. @vorgriff3
Not bad. Congrats.
Well larvitar was off incense
I saw a weather boosted wild Eevee right after Sat. CD.
I’ve never seen wild Mareep before and after the CD. I’ve only hatched a few and I got a few via research tasks.