What IVs are best for defending a gym or taking on Rocket grunts?

I just watched a Poke Daxi video: Which IV SETS to Power-Up in Pokémon GO?

And he clarified some things for me but didn’t (I don’t think) address the question in the subject. Any advise?

Generally the best IV’s are Hundos. Shadow Pokémon are stronger attackers (better than Purified Hundos in any way) so it is better to keep Shadow Pokémon (preferably with the highest IVs) for Rocket battles, for Gym defenders you don’t need them, I believe Purifying will give them more health and stamina too statistically but I’m not entirely sure on that.

But mostly you just want the highest IVs, assuming you are willing to power them up. The only exception is GBL, where you’ll want low stats on ATK and high stats on HP and defense. If you’re playing the league which allows all CP you’ll want the highest IVs again because you generally want the strongest Pokémon.

For Gym defence and Rocket Battles the higher the IV and Powered up level the better.
Gym defence is all about bulk and the Pokémon’s own Defence stat behind that 0-15 IV.
For taking on Rockets it’s mostly about exploiting the type weakness and having strong attack stats helps do it even quicker.
Everything changes when it comes to PvP GL and UL battles. The defence and stamina are what’s needed. There are apps and sites that help you with what’s great, good or bad.

There is no one set of stats that suits all formats. You need a mix and balance of both.
At the end of day any Gym can be taken down easy enough if you choose the correct Pokémon with the right moves. All you can do is hold up the inevitable result a little and make someone work a bit harder and hope they not prepared to take a bit more time.

I am confused from watching too many videos on YT. To defend a gym, should I just put in a mon with high CP, or HP, or 0/15/15?

Put what ever you like in a Gym.
Nothing is really going to help you hold or keep the Gym as anyone that knows their type counters and is half prepared will be able to knock it out regardless of what you put in there.
Having said that the best IV and highest CP Pokémon especially Blissey and Chansey can make the battle take a little bit longer and might potentially frustrate the battler that they move on for an easier target.
One thing to remember though. All Pokémon over 1500cp will suffer a natural/time health deterioration much quicker than anything below 1500cp.

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So a <1500 will last longer than >1500 just from sitting there? Enough to do a sub 1500 than a 3578 14/14/14?

Yes, without being battled a <1500cp Pokemon will retain health longer.

When any Pokémon’s is placed in a Gym regardless of it CP it takes 3 battles to knock it out as long as it’s not having berries thrown at it by the owner or another person in that gym or physically at that Gym (Golden Razz restores to full health)
Based on time in the Gym anything >1500cp could result in only 2 of 1 battle being required to knock it out after a much shorter period of time.

Send me a DM and I’ll send back some pics of what I use to defend Gyms and battle Gyms and why?

Three and it’s out? I found some looow CP guy with half a meter and it took me longer to kick it out that all the high CP… and it seemed more than 3 battles… especially since it was damaged before.

0/15/15 is generally only useful for GO Battle League (minus Master League). And even then, if you don’t own a 0/15/15 you’re most likely not at a loss.

Like @NotanotherKangaskhan said you can basically put anything you want a as a Gym defender.

They must have been feeding it Berries. That’s the only way it can take more than 3 battles per Pokémon.