We really need an on/off setting for Team Rocket

I love Team Rocket as much as the next person, but there has been way too many Team Rocket themed events this summer. I can understand that for some people this is their tine to ball out and just go crazy on them because it’s how they choose to play. I for one do not want to see grunts on every stop and a balloon in the sky every hour.

For me, less is always best and I don’t like clutter. So, having the option to turn them off when I don’t feel it’s necessary to have them acrive would be a huge plus in my opinion.

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Why’d you have to use “turn on” in the same post as that image? :scream: :laughing:
Sierra rocks that body suit…

Because the image is eye catching :eyes:

I have said this before too. Especially on days like GO Fest and CDs they only keep getting in the way, both the balloons and the standing Grunts. It would be nice if I were able to turn them off and on manually. Them constantly getting in the way when I’m not planning to battle them does get tedious.


I hope you noticed my remark was mock exasperation (a teasing vote of approval)

Calling the image eye catching is putting it mildly. I liked when it was the game-start image, and regretted not saving it, when they moved on to the next season (and its game-start image). Glad you posted it with your question.

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Nope, it went right over my wee head :sweat_smile:

Of course, adding a Team Rocket ON/OFF switch to the game ruins the concept that they are actually evil, so even though it would be nice for gameplay, it sort of destroys their “plot.”

Yes the Rocket stuff can be annoying at times. It isn’t that what Tram Rocket is all about?
I would be against a turn on/off function.

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Yon can’t shut down Team Rocket! :rocket:

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