I am level 38 and my niece is 27. If she is with me, I get 0-3 Pokemon on my screen and she has 2-5. Why does she have more than me? I have an iPhone and she has an Android if that matters!
What model is your iPhone?
I play multiple accts (yes naughty me).
All on iPhones but one is on iPhone 8 while others are on iPhone SE 2020. A few updates ago the iPhone 8 playing area is not the same. I haven’t noticed spawns being different but the iPhone 8 can’t see Gyms as far in the distance and has a white cloud area about 10mm at the top of screen.
Good question. My family uses only Samsung, a Galaxy S9, a Galaxy S23, and a Galaxy A14. They all usually see the same spawns. Incence users have always gotten spawns that were seen only by themselves.
And there were a lot of differences in this past year-end Community Day weekend. I attribute thsy to all the weird shifting happening in the spawns throughout the day. All three of us saw mons change, with mine having a lot change into Porygons, while sister had more change into Bellsprout. It didn’t seem like an issue of different player levels, as all of us are over level 40.
I do believe that all spawns are exactly the same for level 30+ people.
(Level, height, weight, IV spread)
For people with “smaller” accounts, these “parameters” differ.
But I don’t believe that explains the spawn differences you mention