Team rocket quiz

Is it Floccinaucinihilipilification?


It’s the same as the title of one of my most loved books: METAMAGICUM

The answer was “Dark”. Example: image

Question 4

in the main series games, team rocket has taken over ar least 2 important companies and/or buildings. Which two are these?

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SilphCo. and MilfCo. ?

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Silph Co. Is one of the two

Surely ACME?

Nope. Goldenrod radio tower

Question 5
Fill in this sentence.
“Hah! You better have …!”

Burn heal

…a condom

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burn heal is the correct answer

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Last Question:
Question 6
Hope you brought some burn heal… on which route did I see your mom sleeping?

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The route to my bedroom

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That’s not my mom.

I’m an orphan :cry:

I’ve enjoyed this quiz - and since this is the final question I’ll try to give a proper answer:

Is that the route that leads to the S.S Anne?

I think so (down to the left), but it had a number, could it be twelve?


It is route twelve indeed
It is to the right of vermillion cityimage

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First time I played the red there were no maps and I had to paint my own. I think this helps to memorize :grin: