Team rocket collection challenge

Before the next community day,
I challenge thee to catch the following:
-1 meowth
-1 ekans
-1 koffing

One of the following:
-1 lickitung
-1 wobuffet

One of the following:
-1 bellsprout/weepinbell/Victreebell (bonus points if caught at higher evolutionary stage)
-1 Mime JR (Hatch)

And evolve to these pokemon:
-1 arbok
-1 weezing

Before Jessie and James get found by the Bewear on the community day
Bewear Runs Off With Team Rocket - A Battle Hand Off - YouTube


Koffing :heavy_check_mark:


Ekans (shiny) :heavy_check_mark:
Arbok :heavy_check_mark:
Weezing :heavy_check_mark:


Meowth was hatched. I hope it counts, because I don’t see them in the wild.


Lickitung :heavy_check_mark:

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Meowth’s challenge
Catch 10 different Pokemon that have ‘R’ in their name. Write/paint the red ‘R’ on the screenshots.
@Brobraam @celery @UltraInstinct841 @bobbyjack8 and others


Okay… which thread should I post them in?

I’ll just do it here…



Well done! Here are some coins :moneybag:

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Thank you… here is your change 🫗

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Mime Jr. (hatch) :heavy_check_mark:
Weepinbell :heavy_check_mark: (accidentally sent it to Prof. before I realised it was part of this challenge)

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I did my own challenge

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To finish @Brobraam’s challenge

Lickitung appeared when I came home after 4 hours in the town chasing Stufful and then walking (or cycling) 5 km for the timed research. So, naturally I couldn’t go and catch it. But let’s just say I sent Jessie and James to catch it for me. :wink:

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Well done everyone! stay tuned for a new collection challenge for next TRW!

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