They don’t normally look like the box art, but transform to that while holding an item. Zamazenta is normally fairy and Zacian is fighting. They both gain steel in their altered form. They each have a stat boosting ability. Zamazenta boosts defense at the start of the battle and Zacian boosts attack.
They can create over 100 maxes, for individual pokemon. Pokemon like Pikachu will now be able to mega evolve, use Z move, dynamx, and gigatanmax. Who knows what in 3 years.
Calm Pokemon
7.5 lbs
If this Pokemon senses a strong emotion, it will run away as fast as it can. It prefers areas without people.
Serene Pokemon
10.6 lbs
Using the braids on its head, it pummels foes to get them to quiet down. One blow from those braids would knock out a professional boxer.
Silent Pokemon
11.2 lbs
If you’re too loud around it, you risk being torn apart by the claws on its tentacle. This Pokemon is also known as the Forest Witch.