Side Collection

Has any of you here got some sort of a side collection, if so post away. Heres mine:


Nope only shiny, legendary, and mythical…

i keep every 666cp and name them devil

How many unique ones do you have?

I’m very proud of my pikachu collection, i will delete everything that will interfere with this lineup


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Looking good! Do you have 1st edition santachu and partychu?

My closest playing friend collects the 666cp’s.
I collect CP 10’s.

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Any of yours has high IV? How big is your friend’s collection? Sad times that you cant really get evolved species for yours, unless you will expand it to L1 club lol

I don’t bother to IV them but when I get a duplicate I keep the best appraisal.
I’m not going to expand it to include evolutions.
My friends collection is still small.

Yassssss! That is so nice!

I did expand my collection a bit since last time

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Are you collecting Pokemon for Team Rocket?

Psyyaiyai, I actually saved them from both - team rocket and prof. Willow’s blender :joy:

I’m busy catching Pikachu for Giovanni.


Daaaammmnnn, have you ever deleted a single one? :sweat_smile:

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I had to transfer some to professor Willow.

Great news about new features but Im heart broken…damn you niantic