Show pokemon stats(needed for pvp)

Thats why i want them shown…:man_shrugging:t5:

edit - never even heard of Dv, i guess i just never cared for stats at all in Pokemon since i only play against the game itself and only thing that mattered if you played that way is Level🤷🏾‍♂️

But they were never shown in the first place
Not DVs, not IVs,not EVs

So contiue to take screenshots and use 3rd party apps is your final answer

Well, when you get used to the appraisal feature, you can kinda tell the IVs the Pokémon has just by using it. But IMO the team leader could say the exact IV number instead of a sentence where the IVs range from X to Y.

That way, casuals can still be casuals and players interested in battles know better in which Pokémon to invest without having to have multiple apps open at the same time.

I mean, EVs were already shown by the number in the generation 5 games, and nowadays in SM and USUM you can check the IV through the computer in game without much trouble (they even have items to maximize every IV). So, if Niantic wants to stop third party app use so much, they should stop worrying about hiding stuff, if even Game Freak aren’t too worried about that anymore.


I dont know which to choose

Oh they show it? I dont play pokemon…i stopped at Black2 and that was in Japanese.

Hiding stats seem sooooo… ugg to me. Makes no sense. Old fashioned. Pointless…all the negativen things i can think of…lmao. Hiding actual stats…wow.

Thanks for your input @ExcaliburOwner

There is no harm in showing stats. Only beneficial. Join us.

It will ruim everything of trying to find the 100iv, and it will make you calculate to easy
But its also cool

what do you mean ruin running into 100IV…if you see it how is that bad? You see that you get 100IV then power it up. No screenshot no loading screens no reloading pokemonGo cause sometimes coming out the game restarts it.

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I mean 100ivs are alsmost impossible to find so showing stats actually sounds like a hack

You have to catch the mon…i dont even understand what your saying rn.

edit- i dont think you understand…

Them you can just grind all day and instantly see iv sonyou can grind further

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Dont you already do that? i dont get what your saying at all, and every reply makes it more confusing

edit - catch > apraise > catch > apraise

ummm did i miss something

Yeah but appraising makes it fun, instantly reading not

:man_facepalming:t4: ok…

(Still the control…)

Apraising is not accurate.
Other apps that show all stats arent allowed technically.


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Yeah but it not being accurate makes it more fun


Oh, you’re welcome. Yeah, they haven’t showed IVs by the number yet, but you can have a pretty good idea of the exact stat by the sentence the “stats judge” says in game. For example:

IV of 0: "No Good"
IV range of 1-15: "Decent"
IV range of 16-25: "Pretty Good"
IV range 26-29: "Very Good"
IV of 30: "Fantastic"
IV of 31: “Best”

And you can have that shown for EVERY stat, not just the highest one. However, seeing the exact number in the main games aren’t really necessary when you can easily fabricate Pokémon with perfect IVs (be it in game with the breeding system or though third party devices).

If people really don’t want numbers on their game, Niantic could at least make the appraisal feature more helpful by mentioning every stat. Nowadays, they simply tell you if the Pokémon has high IVs and its best IV, but they could make it like this (I’m using Blanche as an example since I’m on Mystic lol):

“Hello < player >. I am available to analyze your <Pokémon>, if you wish.”
“Overall, your <Pokémon> is a wonder! What a breathtaking Pokémon!”
“Its HP is noticeably trending to the positive.”
“Its Attack exceed my expectations! Incredible!”
“I’m certainly impressed by its Defense, I must say.”
“This ends my analysis. Farewell.”

That way, a simple research on the internet will tell you that your Pokémon’s IV range around 9-12 for HP, 15 for Attack and 13-14 for Defense (and IV calculators don’t always get the numbers right anyway). Once you get used to the sentences, you can easily tell the IV without seeing the exact number.

And it’s very easy to tell if your Pokémon is perfect just by using the actual appraisal feature we have. The problem lies when you have an imperfect mon, where you can tell it’s highest IV, but not the others. That’s actually one of the only two reasons why I use Calcy, because the game tells me my Pokémon’s Attack exceed expectations, but what about it’s HP and Defense?

TL;DR: Have the appraisal feature mention every IV and I’ll quickly uninstall Calcy from my phone.
I can understand why some people like the mystery in it, that’s one of Pokémon’s charms, after all. But making the appraisal feature more helpful wouldn’t hurt anybody IMO.

PS.: In case you’re wondering, the other reason I use Calcy is to check if a Pokémon has a good moveset. lol