Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

Added you. I’m from The Netherlands. Add you primair for the long distance eggs. Maybe next year I’ll travel to Thailand and wouldn’t mind to meetup for some trading :wink:

2587 8116 2885 :slight_smile:

Everyday player

Hey can we be friends I’m from North America and can get you a Taurus.

Hey my Pokémon go name is KimosabiSlice and i am from North America. I can trade with you a Taurus if you still need it.

Hello everyone…
Newbie here…
Please add me…

8894 0567 1306

New Jersey/ NYC. Add me please!

Hii from the USA, stopped playing awhile. Wanting to play more! Level 29 Valour
willing to send lots of gifts out everyday :kissing_heart:

Add me please! :slight_smile:

9747 7569 3511

Add our group we gift daily…trainer codes:
1381 4096 7157
5750 3843 4933
3046 6011 8949

970020495962 - from Germany :slight_smile:

0935 9957 5946 from NZ

That would be awesome!

I play everyday and I’ll try to send gifts everyday.

4503 2809 8001


UK User not much to share at the moment, but I’ve put up a cluster of gifts as a passed some stops yesterday.

Michiana, U.S.A. trainer here

Trainer code: 8592 0603 9408

573387905901 5xLvL40 Trainer from Germany :slight_smile: very active every day :wink:

3269 7964 2185 Germany