What can you see from your house
Will post screenshot later
On laptop so cant
The entire world! laughs in spoofing
Just kidding, like 10 gyms and a lot of stops
16 gyms and about 85 Pokestops, but not one of them is acessible from home, I have to go out to reach them
3 gyms and 15 pokestops on the east side
absolutely nothing on the west side
WTB pokestop submission mechanism.
Arround 14 gyms and ALOT of stops, including a park with a round of 9 stops wich you can walk in 5 minutes exactly (working on the 10th) and a street thats part of a round you can do by car (its a bike street wich you can acces by car, so mandatory slow speed) with 28 stops in it.
2 gyms and 5 stops
And ur level 38?
Here’s the only gym I can see from my house. I have OCD so it really bothers me when it isn’t blue. So I have to fight it when I leave or before I come home.
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