Raid Boss List: Summer Legendary Line-Up | Pokemon GO Hub


The summer raid line-up has some appeal; I hope to get a few good Kyogre, Tyranitar, and Gengar. Some more Groudon wouldn’t be unwelcome, and I’ll always be hoping for a shiny Absol.

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I would like to give me a few Replacements as well with better IVs

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I am hoping for usefull raidbosses, but Niantic fails again!

Yeah, just the best Ground and Water Pokemon along with the highest TDO Mon in Great League

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Which are both coming back for the 3rd or 4th time, which means I allready have enough good versions of both. Including the shinies.

PvP sucks.

Not everybody does, and do you have 6 viable for each of them?
And your opinion doesnt change the fact that A) its a new shiny and B) tons of people do play it
They are useful

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Yes I have. And the new shiny is actually the only reason I’ll raid Cresselia. About B): I know litteraly hundreds op people playing Pokemon Go in my area, but seriously not even 1 who is interested in PvP. Which also doesn’t help in appreaciating it, I know.

I don’t think pvp is that appealing anymore but tons of players still use that feature here.


A lot of people are mixed about this, but I’m happy with this. It was either the Lake Trio rotated–preferable option honestly–but three Shiny Raid opportunities is nice as well.

I caught my Shiny Cresselia now, and it’s just the grind for Charge TMs now. I want to give my hundo Nidoqueen Earth Power before Raikou makes a return hopefully this summer.

Ironically, I’m very excited for Kyogre. I have three Shinies of it already, but this is the first time I’ll be going against Kyogre with Pokemon I was waiting since Gen 4 launched to use. I finally get to use Magnezone and Electivire, and even my hundo Melmetal will make an appearance since it oddly outpaces Ampharos. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m also excited for Groudon, but mainly just because it’s another chance to get a Shiny. I still don’t have one yet, and I already have a major team built for it already–although now that I have a hundo Gyarados I’ll have to level him up for sure.

So yeah, I’m quite excited for this whole lineup for my own reasons.

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Honestly I’m not upset Kyogre is the only gen 3 legendary (that are shiny available) whose shiny I’m missing so I’ll be going hard for that, a second shiny Groudon would be nice. If I manage to get a shiny cresselia then I manage to get one if not then it’s not that big of a deal

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