Just wondering how long it took for your nominations to reach voting after they were upgraded?
I have only upgraded one nomination and it never came out the waiting queue.
Edit: It’s been in the queue since December.
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All of my upgrades are reviewed within 5 days.
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You scare me
Well my upgraded thing was “not accepted” before I even saw it was in voting
LOL. It somehow came out of the waiting queue.
Also, I had nominated it multiple times and all of the ones I didn’t revoke had left the waiting queue as well. I still managed to revoke them before they came out of the voting phase, too, fortunately…
I wish I got emailed from them, when would you get emailed?
I get emailed when a PokéStop has been rejected/accepted and when I nominate it.
I hope my next upgrade doesn’t take four months to get accepted or rejected.
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