Hi guys,
So we have safari zone in Yokosuka by the end of the month and the lottery tickets are being sent by email.
Can the ticket codes be used on a different Trainer name from what you applied for? In short are safari zone tickets transferable coz I see some being sold online?
Soooo Niansh*t failed to prevent scammers yet again? I hope they arent transferable, but if they are sold online you probably didnt have to give a trainer name I guess?
We have to put at least 1(max 3) trainer names during application. You can only send application for one trainer in one of those dates 8/39-9/2
If they are transferable then that defeats the purpose.
Based on what i’ve heard so far they do seem to be transferrable tickets
If that’s the case, players or sellers could have just sent application using different emails and put random trainer names for a better chance of getting the tickets, and you can get up to 3tickets on one application too.
I know some other trainers that wanted to guarantee an invite so they made 10 fake emails and entered on all of them, which diluted anyone elses chances of winning dramatically
True that. I got my Saturday ticket, but my son didn’t get his so perhaps we might change our plans. We are not hard core but we love playing the game together. I guess it is what it is.