[Q&A] How many/which Perfect Pokémon do you have?

It is certainly a dex filler, but that does not excuse that it does not have Dragon Breath as a Fast-move. It most certainly learns that in the core games.

Still, I only did 4 Raids for this thing because there were virtually no other 2 PM and 5 PM raids throughout the downtown area I’m in. 95% of the raids that spawned were 11 AM raids. Very bad planning, really.

So I’m very thankful that I did get the hundo, even for collection’s sake, because the odds we’re very low. We will have to see if that luck carries over to Regieleki, because that is now the only Regi I’m missing as a hundo.

EDIT: Speaking of dex fillers…

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I liked yours so much, I went and got my own.
It blended in really well among the tie-dye wearing hippies around Haight-Ashbury.


From trade :star_struck: :100:



A bolt from the briny blue…


Alakazam is the 16th and most recent hundo in my collection. It was purified and evolved from a 14/15/14 Shadow Abra. What’s funny is that is was caught on the 16th of March (though it may not be 3/16 where some of you reading this live). I’m stoked to see what the future unfolds!


Non-boosted, again. But simply :100:


I still don’t have one, so congrats!

EDIT: I think my hundo luck for Ho-Oh has dried up.

EDIT2: One hour later…

I guess all it took was me mentioning it, or else that the fact it’s St. Patrick’s Day here has something to do with it. Rainbows and all that…

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Now which cut should I use for this, I wonder…


:face_with_monocle: I hear the mullet is back in fashion…

Personally, I take all my grooming advice from the Clash
:musical_score: there’s no point to want to comb your hair
when it’s grey and thinning… :notes:

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In some circles the mullet never came into style, nor did it ever go out of style. It has alwyas been considered stylish, and style has always been understood to be a matter of personal taste (i.e. no such thing as an objective fashion opinion).

Edit: Jaromir Jagr sported a much more typical mullet, @bagguille , image below. So did Larry Bird, and a number of other prominent 1980s-1990s athletes, NASCAR stars, and country-western musicians.


Never finnish a day without learning something new…

First time I saw the word Mullet, and after this explanation I’ve gone to Google.Never have seen anybody with this haircut.

Thank you, El DeBarge.

I ended up deciding on the Dandy Trim since it’s a male. It seemed fitting for it to be dapper with the chapeau.

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Better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick…


In keeping with the name convention I chose for my swine army (which already has Mamoswine, Mamoshine, and Mamoshadow), I evolved this and named it Mamofine…



…I can’t say I was expecting that.

EDIT: I’m VERY thankful this can’t be a Ditto.


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My Discord peeps have pulled through! This was the last one of the set I needed!

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