Problems catching after raids

My daughter, my wife and myself have been playing Pokémon Go since it first came out. And I used to really like playing.
But lately, (the last year or so), I have been experiencing a problem that completely ruins the experience for me, so much so that I have stopped playing all together.
After winning a raid, with other players, the Pokémon that you can try to catch during the bonus round after the win, simply can not be caught. Not by any means.
I consider myself a very experienced player at PoGo, but this has become ridiculous.
The Pokémon is CONSTANTLY moving and doing things that make catching it impossible. I mean it LITERALLY does not stop or even pause long enough to hit it with a ball. Sure as hell can’t try to get a Great curveball shot or Excellent curveball shot.
I get it that some Pokémon are SUPPOSED to be harder to catch, I get that. But it SHOULD at least be possible!
I have had other players take my phone from me and try, and they always tell me the same thing, that "There’s something wrong with that game. Catching that Pokémon wouldn’t be possible no matter what you do ".
So it is NOT me. People I have known for years tell me the same thing.
And this isn’t a SOMETIMES thing, it’s become a EVERYTIME THING. That is this happens EVERY TIME I am involved in a big Pokémon battle. Every stinking time.
Some of the time the desired Pokémon will appear to be miles away, I’m talking like down in the grand canyon type far away. And the best thrown ball can’t even go a fraction of the distance to it.
I know that I am not the only person having these problems.
I took screen shots of what it looks like and I have met others who have had screen shots on their phones too of the same problem on their phones.
But there seems to be no help for it.
You report the problem or even send an email to the developers and they don’t so much as acknowledge the emai much less respond to it.
It doesn’t make me feel good knowing I am so inconsequential to them that I don’t even warrant an automated response. That they honestly couldn’t give a rat’s ass if I have a good gaming experience or not.
There’s no point in my continuing to play when they do that ALL THE TIME.
Once in a while could be chalked up to an attempt to make the play more challenging. But what I am experiencing is not that. 100% of the time makes it meaningless to even continue to try.
Has anyone ever heard of a way to fix this?
I really hate not playing, but as it is, there’s no point continuing.

What you’re describing sounds totally frustrating. Some of it sounds vaguely familiar; but not all of it. Could you post one or more of those screenshots that you mention? I’m hoping it might jog the memory a bit.

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It sounds like my experience with the Galarian Birds appearing in the Aventure incense. But their it seems really intentionally by Niantic, and only by complete luck they can be caught.

Yours sounds more a particular problem, in the raids I have no problem to catch the Pokémon, big 5-stars and little 1-star Pokémon.

That’s a interesting and unplayable frustrating one. It would be good to login in on a different device to see if the problem is replicated.
If it’s normal on another device its a very easy one to solve in the device is not really compatible with the game or it’s a device setting issue.
If the problem is replicated it becomes more difficult to solve as there is a bug with the trainer.