Are we fed up of seeing these yet?
I take them when I find them, but usually forget to share them here. So far I’ve kept them all because they seem to be getting better stats at some point but things as Yungoos and Pikipek will probably eventually go to the professor.
Is the game trying to tell me something with all these undersized euphemistic Pokémon?
“Oo… er… missus - I must apologise for the size of my purple snake”
Too many things sticking out of my small balls.
Fomantis had something to say. And it looks like it’s quite disturbed because of it.
If they want us to collect these, they need to make a DEX for them, or at least give a way to SEARCH for them in our bag.
There presently appears to be NO SUPPORT functionality for collecting XXS or XXL.
:face_palm: Of course! I was only looking for a button, like Lucky or Shiny have in the search screens, but should have known to look for the strings. I still think it would be an order of magnitude more helpful to be able to spot the XXL or XXS on the bag view listing (like the 3-stars symbol for shiny Pokémon, or the tongue of purple flame for shadow Pokémon.)
Me !