Post your Spinda

I’ll keep trying maybe have better luck Friday or Saturday night :smile:


I finally got my two drunk spinda!! :smile::smile:


Someone call
the uber, all these spinda need to get to the Professor!


I just have one. I traded it with a friend as I had no luck with the quest yet.

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Our Discord Community is doing a great job in Reporting these on our Map. Fairly easy to go spin 3-4 of these Quests a day if needed. The Map automatically resets each day for users to Report new ones each day. Our tech Gurus have done a fantastic job with this.

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I got one! Well, it’s in my research Pokémon rewards


I like stardust tasks, too. But I like rare candy even more.

Can’t complain about a legendary encounter for a task reward, either (even if they’re usually weaker as rewards than as raid bosses).

As for spindas, I captured 3 so far, all from research tasks, and all form 3. IVs are 82, 83, and 85, with CP of 450, 448, and 452, respectively. A nice novelty to get, but I’m not inclined to dedicate much effort to finding more.



Icy wind?

LOL I Just noticed :joy:

Yes, the rare candy one such as “win 3 battles to get 1 rare candy” is better.

I caught 9 Spinda so far for both forms, but I am not putting more effort to finding such task. If I get the said task, I will complete it; otherwise I would not seriously look for it, unlike like the last time.


I had 2 of the task hatch 3 eggs , got 2 rare candies :heart_eyes:

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I would throw them away because they are long process without multiple incubators running at the same time and they occupy 2 of the 3 task slots.



But I do not hoard tasks.

And cant get a task to get Entei, been stuck for three days :sob::sob::sob::sob::sob:

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You cannot complete one task to get the stamp a day for 3 days? :tired_face:


Yes every task I get is battle in gym or complete a raid and I get one task a day

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That is sad

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Tough luck.

Not sure which is drunker…

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Is progress lost when you miss a day?

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