Post your Spinda

I’ve been trying to do the 5 great curves in a row for like 2 weeks now.


5 I kan do, on a good sunny day that is not to cold. Just have to be patient. There have been tasks like that before Spinda nr. 5.

Found the task once, but with stardust reward. I checked more than half of the stops around me, and that are a lot, stil noting.

I spin at least 10 Stops a day, usually way more than that and I still haven’t found the Spinda #5 task.

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Tomorrow I first go to Hook of Holland, for Spinda and Lotad. If I can’t find any, I will go on around my place.

Is the Spinda 5 quest out since Jan 1st? I have not been able to find such task and do not see such new form in gyms in my area

We had the Spinda quest in town twice last week (two days in a row on stops that were only about 100 meters apart). This was either extreme luck, or they are slowly making it less rare. It’s still hard enough to do anyway…:laughing:


Does this Spinda 5 quest last until the end of February?

I haven’t heard of any new varieties, so I’m guessing yes.

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It is still on the list of the Silph Road. And also in Leak Duck.

But I still don’t have it :tired_face:

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@Arem1771 @MrHeineken88, thank you, that gives me more time to look got that quest

Been working on that quest for 3 weeks now. Can’t get past 3 in a row.:expressionless:


At least you found such rare quest, and it only occupy one of the three quest slots, you can still be able to get your daily stamp when you complete one of the two quests

Almost there. Got one throw so far. 4 to go.

Tomorrow, 00:01, Spinda form number 5 will be mine.

5 Ponyta’s did the trick. :grin:

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I’m still working on that Spinda.

Tri focusing on Ponyta’s. They are easy to get Great throws.

I’m hoping to get something easy on next 7 day research breakthrough.


Finally got two of this Spinda 5

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‘Heart’ Spinda - no trouble finding the research - it was everywhere l looked today… but those 5 great curveballs are still rather aggravating…