Post your mewtwo


So you want a EX boss switch along with a change to the system?.

I mean come on how many M2 does 1 need? I might max out one more but even thatd be overkill in my opinion. Id rather have a variety instead of 6 identical pokemon for whatever team of mine. A year for 1 boss is/should be enough to sort yourself out with at least one, then you can walk it or feed it with rares, no real excuse tbh

Ya, there is many Pokemon that should get a chance at the EX Boss.

Once you mastered getting ExPass it is like a job and is very boring. I been catching Mewtwo with 1 ball lately.

I use ex raids for candy. To power up my other mewtwos.

I agree with @Kingstony, if there was international trade i would hold events on here for Mewtwo.

International trade would help all.

Epic fail Mewtwo

Traded with this one! Wouldhv been great if they turned “0%” though.

I Traded a couple during the discount period and got the same result.
Sadly a big majority of Trades will end up worse from what Iv’e seen when having a play with the wife’s and kids accounts.
I do a lot of Ttar Raids so have a lot of junk ones that I put to work in Gyms before transferring upon return. I Traded 15 the other day that were all in the 70-87% range. Only 2 got better. Also Traded some Machamps 60-80% IV and after 6 of those only 1 improved but actually went to 100%.
If you can take the dust hit it’s better to have a go for a better one than just junking it any way.

Yes. IV reroll is a good option.

And a 100 IV from trades?
Wow! :heart_eyes:

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wow…never seen something so low

They were both 70ish, so worth a try. No loss really, i dont keep low iv mons. Chucking out when space becomes short again.

So you can confirm, trading is worthless unless you just want/need for dex entry.

Yes and no depending on what way you want to look at it.
If it’s missing from your Dex the Dust cost is high and if it’s Legendary it’s even greater.
The cost of Trading a non Ledgendary is only 100 Dust so that’s cheap if you were only going to junk it anyway.
Basically don’t Trade anything you weren’t going to Transfer to the Professor.

I would give dragonite for that

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Too bad trading a particular pokemon can be just once.

My first lucky Toga. The other one was a Lucky Smoochum

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