PokemonGo Plus with New Gym as Pokestops

Hi guys, i don’t know if this was asked before but… will PogoPlus recognize the new gyms like pokestops to spin?

I sent a tweet to niantic support about this. No response yet. I guess we will have to wait for the update to go live and see.


I did the same yesterday and still haven’t gotten a response on my tweet either

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As of now the game doesn’t recognize that you’ve spun a regular poke stop with the plus. The items are collected, but the halo remains. My guess is that gyms will be unspinnable using the plus.

I read through a lot of these info articles. One did claim you could spin those with the plus. He was probably just guessing.

You can not spin gyms with the Pokemon Go Plus.

Source: http://thehypedgeek.com/pokemon-go-plus-gym-update-problems/

The Go Plus does not spin Gym photo discs. It’s possible this is a bug to be addressed or intentional to promote Gym interaction.

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Now it does

It does at this stage now.