is it decidueye? please be decidueye
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Decuidye is rowlets final evo, and rowlet is a Gen 7 starter. So it isn’t Decidueye
Also decidueye does not have an Unique typing. Trevenant and gourgeist are ghost/grass too
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And about kingdra and rotom, both a no
New hint
You would not expect this pokemon as a Pokemon with an Unique type combination
It also is not a gen 6 pokemon
Alolan Dex in SM or USM?
Nope what?
Not in any alolan dex
Alright, so… Sawsbuck?
Both, no.
The Pokemon has multiple forms
Giratina? Quite sure he is in the Dex tho
It is not giratina
Pokemon with unique type and multiple forms that is in neither of the Alolan dexes?
Guess Ill give up
All my hints so far
- It is not in any alolan Dex
- It is not in a gen 6 Dex
- It has multiple forms
- One usually does not expect this Pokemon
- It has an Unique type