Pokemon guessing game





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Celery took my 2nd guess.

All no.
Hint: it’s kantonian form (if it has other formes) could very well have a second typing of either two types. However, it doesn’t have two types.

Gyarados? Not sure what would the second type be though

Dunno :thinking:… Snorlax?

Both wrong.

Well, I saw this Ghibli-esque anime where a baby grew in a bamboo cane or something… and then they put it in a bucket with a koi carp or something, or maybe that was two different movies… I can’t remember.

But maybe they were based in old Japanese legends… who knows? So Bellsprout? Or Goldeen? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That one is celesteela.

Not the Pokemon I had in mind

Next hint: it has two formes

:zap: :zap: :zap: Zzzapdos?

No. On what legend is it based?
It also already has a secondary typing.


I was working on the theory that if you keep throwing the sharpened tungsten into a dartboard you’re bound to hit the bull sooner or later. :upside_down_face:

It better not be the coin kitty :cat: Maneki-neko?..

Wouldn’t fit with the “feels like it could have 2 other types too” imo

Last hint: the first form introduced (“normal”) is a single typed Pokemon. It has a second, dual types form. (No 3d form)


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I’ve absolutely no idea, no Gen 1 Mon seems to fit all of these descriptions at once

Ok the hint is that the would-be second typing is either psychic or ghost, and it is not ratatta, AND it is a mono-fire type with an alolan form