Share Pokémon GO Friend Codes & Add Friends (Official Megathread)

4387 7149 3836 Huncwot from Poland
Looking for friend from Australia, New Zealand, south South America, Hawaii :slight_smile:
Thank you!


7924 1867 5150 Poland team mystic

1 Like

2509 0901 0862 feel free to add me I’m from Canada

trainer not found

Continuing the discussion from Pokémon GO Trainer Codes - Add Friends (Official Megathread):

3466 4240 5227

United Kingdom :uk:

8224 8220 5370
1908 2315 6426
0080 3727 5364

Would anyone be interested to add my friend
Code: 7466 6482 9257

he needs some friends for the Celebi quests =)

Hey! Level 40 here!
Please add
3275 0787 6742


0472 5294 1994

Please add me, my trainer code is: 5480 7218 4858.

Need friends for quest feel free to add me :smile:

5779 9661 5773 Add me!!

7846 3091 0436

8710 4348 3530
2413 0060 2112
Please add.

Add my friend also:)
9552 8978 2956

add me please
6277 7571 8030