Surprisingly, I have GO Fest ticket, and had still not received the Super High Sky Research…
Time is 12:14 PM as of now.
Why is this so ?
Surprisingly, I have GO Fest ticket, and had still not received the Super High Sky Research…
Time is 12:14 PM as of now.
That’s a good question. Have you finished the Saturday Special Research yet?
It will take time for me to hatch the 12km egg, then only I can proceed further.
Neither Niantic had notified about this in advance, that they will cheat with people…
I guess that might be why then, but I do not know for sure. When the Sunday event starts for me in an hour I will check, I left off the Research at “power up 10 Rock/Fairy types” so I should easily be able to finish it.
Or is it something like that we need to finish Sky High first…?
don’t bother about it, as I suspected, I need to finish Sky High First to unlock the super high research :
Welp. GO Fest just ended and it was an absolute blast. Hopefully I don’t forget to share my results unlike last year and Hoenn Poor.
Do you only get one meteorite for mega rayquaza? I know Niantic wouldn’t go insane with it, but it sounded like with the ticket and stuff you would get at least two, if not three?
You should get two I believe. One from “Sky High” Research and one from the “Super Sky High” Research.
I loved the condensed timing of the Mega Rayquaza raids on Sunday. It helped concentrate the raiding attention of players into bigger groups for raid waves that could keep rotating among the same group of gyms and raid repeatedly. I hope that style finds its way to the weekly Dinner Hour raids.
Except Diancie research and additional ETMs research, I didn’t felt any advantage of ticketed event over the free experience of GO Fest Global…
In incense spawns, only Hisuian Growlithe was good, except him every incensed spawns were useless…
My detailed report is coming soon.
My report will be ready sometime today (3rd September).
I prepared very well for GO Fest like I always do: made a list, filled up my bag with Poke balls, had 100 free slots for Pokemon in the storage. The weather was very hot (38 degrees Celsius). Although it was sunny without any clouds, the in-game weather was cloudy somehow. I was on my bike almost all the time in order to move faster from 1 Poke stop / Gym to another. I used my best buddy hundo Dragonite as my buddy Pokemon so he could return Poke balls back at Pokemon that break free. I evolved Primal Groudon for the first time to help me get more candies from certain Pokemon. I used incense all the time, put a lure module on a Poke stop in the town square; lucky eggs and star pieces I used throughout the day when I needed them. As always during GO Fest, in the beginning I don’t get many shinies and as the event comes to an end my shiny luck increases. In the first hour during Quartz terrarium habitat I only got 1 shiny, it was Pikachu with a pink gem crown from a field research. Then nothing until the third habitat Malachite wilderness when I got a brand new shiny – Oranguru!
He didn’t want to be alone and not long after, I got another shiny Oranguru. But that wasn’t all from that habitat – I also got shiny Pikachu with a green gem crown! My luck with Pikachu continued in the next habitat Aquamarine shores where I got shiny Pikachu with a blue gem crown!
Now I only needed 1 more to complete the collection. I went home for lunch and to recharge my phone. After that, I went to a park where I usually take snapshots and from 1 of them I got my 4th shiny Pikachu – this time with a yellow gem crown!
Wow, I completed the shiny Pikachu collection!
I’m so glad because those shinies are rare and who knows if we’ll ever see them again in the game. In the next habitat I got my first shiny Cottonee!
Soon after that – shiny Bellsprout! And as the cherry on top, in the same habitat I finally got shiny Scyther!
That shiny eluded me for so long! Sadly, in the last habitat I didn’t get any shinies.
Day 1 gave me 9 shinies which was better than on GO Fest 2022, but worse than 2021. But the shinies I got were great: 7 shinies I didn’t have and 2 duplicates. As for the raids, I did 6 Goomy, 2 Cowboy hat Snorlax and 1 Kyogre raids. From eggs I was very lucky to get a hundo Tirtouga!
I also picked up some 7km eggs. I did all the collection challenges, won 2 showcases: biggest Pikachu and biggest Goomy.
I managed to finish the special research and get Diancie. Unfortunately, the IVs were mediocre.
I evolved some Salamence and Metagross (I had 1 hundo Beldum that was waiting for this opportunity) to get the legacy moves for them. I couldn’t do 6 special trades because for some reason they were available only during GO Fest hours. Who has time to trade when you try to catch, hatch and raid as many Pokemon as you can?
Also, no one plays here where I live anymore so I can only trade with my alt account. One thing that made me happy was the ‘ready’ button for raids when I brought my alt account in.
Why did it take sooo long for Niantic to implement it?
Here are my results for Day 1: 425,678 XP, 103,172 stardust that left after powering-up several high-level Pokemon for the research, 373 Pokemon caught, got 9 shinies, 116 Poke stops spun, 3 Pokemon evolved, 5 eggs hatched, 40 research tasks completed, 4 Team GO Rocket grunts beaten, 9 raid expert achievements, 2 XXS Pokemon caught, 4 XXL, 8 regular raids, 1 mega legendary raid, 9.9 km distance.
What I liked: the quality of the shinies, new Pokedex entries: Unown D, I, M, Carnivine, Pachirisu, Diancie, costumed Pikachu, Cowboy hat Snorlax, global challenge arena, habitats, collection challenges, regionals Heracross, Shellos, avatar items and pose, exclusive 7 km eggs, hundo Tirtouga, Diancie animation, ‘ready’ button for raids, legacy moves for some Pokemon when you evolve them, special research, snapshots, showcases, double friendship bonus damage in raids, field research tasks changed with each habitat, unlimited remote raids, 9 free raid passes.
What I didn’t like: the quantity of the shinies (shiny rate was slightly better than last year, but still not great – I get more shinies during 3-hour window of the Community Day), didn’t get any shiny Unown or regionals, out of 29 new shinies that I didn’t have, I got only 7, special trades limited only to GO Fest hours, mediocre IVs on Diancie, no reduced hatch distance.
Day 2 was also very hot. Focus was on raids and shiny checking. This time shinies were coming regularly throughout the event. I noticed right away that the shiny rate was better than the day before. I got shiny Barboach, Snover, Helioptile, Gible, Bagon, Rayquaza, Scyther, Beldum and 4 Pikachu with a crown. I used incense all the time, several star pieces and a lucky egg. I mega evolved Abomasnow for Rayquaza raids. Since there weren’t any players doing raids in my town, I had to use my alt account and invite people from Discord and Campfire. Luckily, Campfire worked well so I didn’t have trouble finding players to invite. I also had 2 remote raid passes, but I didn’t want to spend money to buy more. I did 5 Mega Rayquaza raids: 2 remote and 3 local. I got shiny Rayquaza on 4th raid (2nd remote raid)!
3 Rayquaza had good IVs, but unfortunately shiny didn’t.
I also did 4 regular raids: 2 Cowboy hat Snorlax and 2 Goomy. On Day 2 we got 2 special research. I finished the first research, but I couldn’t finish the second one because it required too many raids. I won 2 showcases (biggest Pikachu).
After GO Fest ended, I traded some leftover Pokemon with my alt and I got hundo Goomy!
What a great way to finish the day!
Here are my results for Day 2: 744,085 XP (I leveled up some friendships), stardust – unknown because I powered up many Pokemon so in the end I had less stardust than at the beginning of Day 2, 212 Pokemon caught (mostly caught rare and high-CP Pokemon), got 12 shinies (my personal record for GO Fest ), 55 Poke stops spun, 21 Pokemon evolved, 12 eggs hatched, 21 research tasks completed, 9 raid expert achievements, 2 XXS Pokemon caught, 1 XXL, 4 regular raids, 5 mega legendary raids, 5.8 km distance.
Day 2 was more relaxed than Day 1, I got more shinies (only 1 was new – Helioptile, 1 legendary – Rayquaza and 2 shinies which I needed one more of: Snover and Scyther). And as the cherry on top, I got hundo Goomy from trade! I liked that I could find people on Campfire to help me with raids. Special research was nice and it rewarded mega energy, candies and Meteorite for Rayquaza, primal energy and candies for Kyogre and Groudon as well as elite fast and charged TMs and 1 rare XL candy.
Although I got more shinies than ever at GO Fest, I still think I should have gotten more. I wanted more new shinies that I didn’t have, shiny regionals, shiny Unown and I needed 1 male shiny Pikachu with green gem crown to complete the family with all genders.
My results in total (Day 1 and Day 2): 1,169,763 XP, unknown amount of stardust, 585 Pokemon caught, 21 shinies (8 new, 1 legendary), 171 Poke stops spun, 24 Pokemon evolved, 17 eggs hatched, 61 research tasks completed, 4 Team GO Rocket grunts beaten, 18 raid expert achievements, 4 XXS Pokemon caught, 5 XXL, 12 regular raids, 6 mega legendary raids, 15.7 km distance.
This year’s GO Fest was great, I enjoyed it very much. Some parts of it were improved in comparison with previous GO Fests. I hope GO Fest will be even better next year.
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