Russia, Tver
I guess he’ll live between me and @MrHeineken88
I live in the green cirkle, and mrheineken lives in the green one, i think
So 5km from you?
A tiny bit more, i guess.
If i could walk 300km in a minute, yes
Wow so you could walk or bike to him
Yep. We could do that lol
No one hears from Texas
Near Den Haag Moerwijk Station
That is very close to me. Like 15 minutes by bike. I live 1 km from Rijswijk station (next train stop)
Are you in this whatsapp group for our area?
[edit] and it was on this moment i realised we could know each other personally without knowing
Trade corsola or mr.mime or trauros
torkoal or tropius?
I also have am Willing to trade :
Electabuzz, girafarig , hitmochan , hitmonlee, jynx ,lapras , lickitung, magmar, militank , pinsir, scyther,skarmory
Strong blissey , ludicolo ,
Legendary :
Ho-oh, kyogre , moltres , articuno , zapados , regirock ,registeel,
Groudon , rayquaza ,
@Pokemon is in LA, and I’m in Northern CA. But I do have a corsola, mr Mime and tauros that I would be willing to trade
Please, I need Corsola