Prediction challenge
Whoever predicts correctly the most Pokemon that will hatch from these eggs, wins.
Darumaka probably.
How many? What about other eggs?
Feebas, espurr, Mienfoo, vullaby and dratini
4 x 12k = Larvitar, Absol, Pawniard & Sandile(!)
8 x 10k = Klink, Darumaka, Timburr x2, Rufflet, Emolga, Espurr & Axew(!!!)
8 Darumaka, 4 Vullaby.
I hope you’re wrong.
I hope that for you too, but that’s what I always hatch. So it’s worth the guess.
8 Shinx and 4 trubbish
Do we have results already?
No, because I’m sick so I couldn’t go out to hatch the eggs.
Get well soon
The results are in! But I will give some more time if anyone still wants to participate.
Twelve Pidgeys
No, I’m so angry with the eggs, nearly allways rubbish what comes out… running around with a 10 km egg and the outcome is a Klink… well done, that’s a gift. Maybe I’m wrong, and it was a 7 or 5 km egg, but the agriness is the same.
Are you ready?
Drum roll …
I was right, wasn’t I?
I will start posting Pokemon that I got from eggs one at a time. In the end, I will announce the winner.