I just finished my second Tapu Koko remote raid of the day, and all the attacks by me and against me got the “Not Very Effective” label. This has happened with all my raids today, which I think had 2 Tapu’s, 1 Nidoking, 1 Chancey, and 2 Mega Sceptiles. I haven’t noticed any adverse side effects, though (won all the raids, with the normal bonuses, and caught all of the defeated bosses). But it’s just really strange…
(And, yes, I did try restarting my phones to see if it was just a sign of memory corruption, but nothing changed.)
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Mmmh, not shure, because I never take much attention on this information on screen. But on the other hand, yes, seems that I’ve seen something like this as well. (will have more attention the next days).
Appears to be a new bug it seems. I saw something about this a few days ago where some Electric type move against a Gyarados was labeled as “Not very effective”, and they asked support about it and support blatantly said Gyarados resistent to Electric type moves. It’s ridiculous 
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In GBL I’ve had a ton of visual problems with that this past week or so. Incorrect effectiveness text shows up when attacks are used, and when I get a stat drop or boost (or my opponent does), the words are so faint it’s almost impossible to see. However, when an attack has been super effective, and the text has said not very effective, the damage output has still correctly been super effective, at least in my case in GBL.
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I get the sense that this is also true for raids, gym battles, and TGR grunt fights (which would seem to reveal an implementation disconnect between the outward indicators and internal calculators).
speaking of effectiveness i have this funny trick with my arcanine
i taught him thunder fang as hist fast attack
meaning water types and grass types are not very effective while his charged attack is super effective against grass and his fast attack is super effective against water