NOOB do you get back to back charged attacks in PVP battles?

It’s super frustrating when this occurs…and I’m at a HUGE disadvantage. Any hep for a new guy? Thanks in advance!

Your opponent is using fast moves that charges up the charge move quickly and not using that charge move as soon as it’s available and letting it charge up a second one.
You’ll will need to do a fair amount of research on line and learn the best move combos for this.
I do this quite a lot especially if my fast move is inflicting damage and their move is not hurting me.

This move is my favourite move set as it exploits so many Pokémon players tend to use.

I have one for each league.
There are Pokémon that are better and even faster charge up move sets but they are more specialised against certain Pokémon.

This helps! Thanks so much!!!