Since Niantic screws up at least once a week now I figured a Niantic screw up thread would be very much needed here.
Post things that Niantic forgot to release, add, or accidentally did release here, so that hopefully more people will be aware of the most recent screw ups.
To start off, Shiny Shadow Zubat has accidentally been released, so grab it while you can! 
(Imagine isn’t mine)
I imagine only way to get it is “try and error”?
Unless Niantic has already figured it out and removed its shiny access, yes you can only get it on luck.
Perhaps the best idea here is to tell them we do not want it, then they will take years to fix it.
Never thought at it that way, lets team up and spam niantic that we demand more bugs in the game, more content thats behind a paywall, the paywalls already there have to be more expensive, the customer service needs more uninterested employees and we dont accept any compensations for any mistakes they made
Again not mine, but Niantic accidentally pushed another shiny to be released by accident 
I like the new background, though.
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Are we supposed to have the Giovanni research yet? Because I don’t have it. I hear it’s supposed to be part of the Timeless Travels Research but it says Professor Willow is still researching and will come back soon. Anyone else having this issue, if it is an issue?
Yep, this is another mess up by Niantic. Not sure if it’s fixed already though.
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Hasn’t the timless travels always been done in stages restricted by time dates?
Which I don’t mind tbh. Stops players from completing things in hyper quick time.
They have always released it in stages yes but I was confused why the next stage didn’t release when its corresponding event started.
While cleaning out my Pokémon storage to make space for my alt this morning, I found one of my recent ttar raid catches is called Tyranitartra. Whisky Tango Foxtrot? How could that happen?
I wish I had noticed it to get a screenshot before I captured it. That would show it was that way before I could have a chance to rename it. (showing it now would only show that it currently has that name, bfd)
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Hi. So i traded pokemon with my kid. A 3 star 15,12,15 for his zero, bc that what parents do. It was downgraded to a 1 star 5,3,5. I evolved a pair of 3 star Dratini. Both were demoted to zero star 5,5,5. When i asked Niantic, their response was, “That is always what happens.” Did i miss some new update?
When trading all the individual category stats are respun and it’s totally random as to what you get.
Yes what you witnessed is normal.
That’s a harsh aspect of the game, especially when you aren’t used to it. I take it you meant you TRADED a pair of 3-star Dratini, not EVOLVED a pair… Evolution isn’t supposed to change the IV; I’ve seen an IV move by only one or two points, and only one or two times. But trading usually changes the IV, which is one of the common reasons for trading.
I Evolved two Three Star Dratini, into two zero star Dratinairs.
Again, i had not traded much, and i knew CP and HP dropped, but never had traded a 3 Star with high stats, so it didn’t matter before what they arrived as. When I told Niantic there was a bug, they told me that was just what happens. I started digging on the internet. Turns out … Trainers complain about evolving 3 stars which become 1 or zero starts about every 5-7 months on various pokemon sites. Since 2021. So it’s some cyclical bug they have to work out. I just got caught in it. But i did get annoyed when they told me it’s always been like that. No. I started in 2016. It’s never been like that. And i said so.
Strange. I’ve never had a Pokémon’s IVs change when I evolved it, and I’ve never heard of it happening before now.
I read the post:
“Oh ok, cool!”
Trying it out:
Uhh… I go to click the link to the blog:
Good job, Niantic.
Looking into it looks like it starts tomorrow so it would have been nice for Niantic to communicate a little better